Let's do an experiment this morning. Here's what you'll need:
A platter
A permanent marker
2 cups of sand
A large rock (not bigger than the platter - about the size of a plate)
A pitcher of water
An empty water glass
Now, take the platter and draw a smiley face on it with the permanent marker in the middle, about the size of a baseball. Take the sand and carefully spread it on top of the smiley face until it is about the size of a plate directly on top of the smiley face. Take the pitcher of water and pour yourself a glass full. Carefully take the water and pour it directly on the middle of your sand.
Can you see the smiley face? Did the sand wash away with the water to reveal the face?
Now, clean off your platter and place the rock on top of the smiley face. Fill another glass with water and pour it directly on the middle of your rock.
Can you see the smiley face? Did the rock move away to reveal the face?
The foolish man built his house upon the sand. The wise man built his on the Rock. The imagery is clear - sand easily washes away. I can testify to this as I watch sand bars wash in and out on a daily basis on Lake Michigan. But a rock? Rocks are sturdy, solid and unwavering in the face of storms.
Today I am heading over to the local Christian high school to teach the first of a three week series on relationships to the Junior and Senior girls. I only get 30 minutes and for those of you who know me, I'm just getting warmed up in the first thirty. But I honestly believe that what I am going to teach these girls over the next few weeks may be the most important information they will receive in high school.
And I'm starting with a real estate story.
Please pray for these girls, that the Holy Spirit would open their ears to hear the truth and that they would not be simply hearers, but doers as well.
I know your teaching and I know God will use that to reach any age group!!!