Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The End is really just the Beginning

It's hard to believe we have our first year of Bible study under our belt as a church. I must admit, I have been blessed beyond all measure this year by the women who have attended the study. I woke up this morning to the sweet memory of my gals singing, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus - there's just something about that Name..." What a blessing to hear their precious voices singing praise to the One we spent all year studying.

It is also hard to teach on the resurrection and then wave and say, "See you in a few months!" The resurrection is far from the end of the story. As my title says, it's really the beginning, for now, because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we have the ability to live in the light of His Words, to enter the throne room of His Father and to long for the day of His return.

Seeing His promise in the Old Testament of a coming Savior and then the fulfillment of these prophecies in the New Testament should give all of us a sense of peace and praise as we start each day. These are so much more than just stories or a history lesson - the gospel is a way of life. It is a truth that effects every decision we make.

A few years ago I read a great book by Elise Fitzpatrick called "Because He Loves Me" and the main premise is that the gospel is not just for salvation, but for every single day of a believer's life. It is the power source - if we don't spend time studying, meditating on and reveling in the truth of Jesus' birth, sinless life, death, burial and resurrection. it would be like trying to use your cell phone without charging it! Our power and our focus comes from the Word of God, from it's truths.

Yesterday, Hilda asked where we would begin showing someone Who Jesus Christ's really everywhere in the scriptures. That's the great thing about the Bible - so many books, so many different personalities who wrote it and stories and perspectives, but One topic. So find a book that perks your interest, delve in and before you know it, you'll be able to clearly show Jesus in any discussion you have - the gospel will flow through your conversation because of the passion you have for the study of His Word.

I want to send out a quick note of thanks to all you ladies who left birthday wishes and testimonies on my kitchen table after study. I read through them last night and some made me giggle and others pulled on my heart, but all of them caused me to raise up you gals in praise to the Lord - you have no idea what a blessing and privilege it has been to teach and walk through Luke with all of you! Thank you for blessing me and promise me that you'll do your best to start your days with the compassionate, loving Savior who longs to show Himself to you through His Word.

"...Kings and kingdoms will all pass away, but there's something about that Name."

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kristen,

    Just wanted to let you know that I started reading the devotional you handed out. What a blessing it is, and I am enjoying it. I also have because he loves me have to start reading it soon.
