Monday, March 4, 2013

To Boast or Not To Boast?

Thus says the Lord, "Let not a wise man boast of his wisdom, 
and let not the mighty man boast of his might, 
let not a rich an boast of his riches; 
but let him who boasts boast of this, 
that he understands and knows Me, 
that I am the Lord who exercises lovingkindness, 
justice and righteousness on earth; 
for I delight in these things," 
declares the Lord.

Jeremiah 9:23,24

We live in a very prideful nation.  In our short history we have had a lot to boast about - American accomplishment and pride flows through our veins.  We are given the opportunity to be all that we can be here in America.  Our military is the strongest and the best.  Our athletes are worshipped by the world.  We even tell our musicians that they can become American idols.  We lead the world in technology and medical advancements and the world teeters on the movement of our trade market.  We're natural born leaders and we've risen to the call.

But what does God have to say about all our accomplishments?

I used to be irritated when movie stars or athletes thanked God in their acceptance speeches.  I wondered why they would point to the air when they didn't even know the God they were thanking.  But even in their ignorance, they were at least alluding to some sort of divine intervention in their success.

Here's the deal, friends - as believers in Jesus Christ we have a lot to boast about - we know God.  We know Him intimately - we know His thoughts, His love and His wisdom.  We know His works and can give Him the glory when one of His image bearers breaks a record or sings like a star.  When buildings rise or markets double, we know Who is in control.  We also know who sits on the throne when those same markets fall and rain is no where in sight.  We know Him.

And here's why we boast - because He has made Himself known to us and He is wonderful. He has revealed Himself in His creation, in His Word and most importantly, in His Son.  The fact that He has done such great things makes all other works pale.

As we prepare to move into our new facility, Harvest family, we have nothing to boast about within ourselves - the beautiful colors, the new systems, the landscaping, the furniture - it's all His.  As visitors walk through the church, let us be sure to point them all to the One who exercises lovingkindness, justice and righteousness.  Without Him, this would just be a pile of bricks destined for the furnace.  But filled with the children of God, it becomes a place for His glory to dwell, a place for His praises to be lifted and a place where His truth will be lifted high.  It becomes a place where Jesus Christ is worshipped and lives are forever impacted by the power of the Holy Spirit.  A place where the worship and boasting all belongs to Him.

So if we boast in the coming days, let us boast of the wonderful things our God is doing in our lives, in our church and in our community - in this God will delight.

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